Thursday, August 29, 2013

Quick Quiz

Today we are going to review where to find information for our third grade class. We will also review where you will need to go to be able to find the Flipped Lessons Go to this Link FisherFlip. This page the one we are looking at is a blog. It will be our information page or in general it will display things we have done in class. As you may have noticed the video from the first day of school. In a few minutes we are going to take a quiz online. We will need to click on the Yellow Box (or link) below to go to that quiz. I will show you the Assessment ID Number when I know everyone is ready.

Mr. Fisher
Computer Time Thursday, August 29, 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The First Day of School 2013

The First Day of School

The Year has begun, and we have many ambitions.
The students were so excited to be at school after the summer months. We were so hot today, and it was muggy, hopefully it cools down a little tomorrow. We will be learning so many things from Mr. Fisher this year in third grade.

Gathering Learning from the Best!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Flipped Classroom

This will be an exciting year. To introduce the classroom this year, you will become very familiar with a new concept in the coming months. Mr. Fisher's classroom is about to be "Flipped." As this is an introduction, you will get a glimpse of what it will be like in the third grade room.

You will hear more about it, but Mr. Fisher is changing the way you will be doing some of your work. Instead of doing homework sheets every night with little or no instructions, you will need to follow a video. This video will demonstrate the basic concepts, demonstrate examples and basically teach a lesson that you (the student) would normally be taught in school. With those lessons you will then come back to school ready to do the assignment in class. This "flipped" paradigm as it is being called will be more empowering to the students, the parents will be able to understand the homework, and this will allow Mr. Fisher to help students quicker and more effeciently.

To quote some brief statments "The Flipped Classroom isn't a methodology. It's an ideology. (Brian Bennett)." It means the flipped classroom philosophy is fluid and adaptable. It means that when done the right way, it can positively impact student learning regardless of the subject or classroom ( You are welcome to learn more about it: (Here is a Wikipedia Introduction). Monday morning Mr. Fisher will upload the first introduction to this "Flipped" Model and will show you (the students) what is expected and what you will have to do.

Mr. Fisher
Please visit this blog to be ready for the first video:

Mr. Fisher's Third Grade Calendar 2010