Monday, December 6, 2010

Stone Soup: Week 15

We have so many things, that make this season wonderful.  Let me start with the students. Each has their own unique talents that they bring with them to school. Well this week we learn about a story of a similar nature, when the character makes stone soup. If we had time this week, (which we sadly don't) it would be great to have a small sampling from several countries of the world. We do a lot during the month of December to help the students see other cultures and how they celebrate the Holidays. So let me begin by wishing everyone Happy Hanukkah! And today we are celebrating St. Nicholas in our classroom, (parents you will have to ask your child what they have learned about this unique tradition). The next couple of weeks we will be learning Christmas words in German and Spanish. Also, this year we have a bulletin board that helps us see other ways to say Merry Christmas. If I missed a language that you know, let me know and we can add it.
Thanks Jer (Mrs. P)!

Also a reminder for this week, we will be starting Unit 3. That means we start back up with our spelling words. This is Week 15, so find the words on If you look the Vocabulary words are also included.  Here is an outline of the other subjects and content that will be specifically taught this week:

Mr. Fisher's Third Grade Calendar 2010