Friday, September 30, 2011

Weekly Assessment

I am just finishing grading the students' Weekly Reading Test, and I have to say they have all worked hard this week and it shows in the scores. Way to Go! I have found that the students have drastically improved their writing this week, especially in responding to the question concerning the story. I will be happy to report that they are remembering to use a capital letter to start their sentences, and using the proper punctuation at the end of their sentences. We are getting better and soon we can say we have mastered it.

Thanks, my class is great!  Hope everyone has a great weekend see you Monday.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Classroom Survey

Please take this survey (My students are learning how to type some basic things in a form). Feedback (Mr. Fisher way too long - but the kids liked it just make it shorter). Now I know my students a little better. Thanks, students for trying this out. You're Great!


Mathematics so far has been working with practical math that we can use in our classroom. For example, "Teacher, when is Lunch?" or "Teacher, what is today?" So how successful was the class at mastering these concepts (We took the first test on Tuesday). I would like to say that I have successfully taught them these concepts, to the point of mastery. As a teacher, I can see I need to be more specific in teaching these concepts, but that said, I also need to keep moving forward with the rest of math or we won't learn every concept that should be taught in third grade. Parents, please help me fill in some of the gaps.

Here are the concepts from the past two-and-a-half weeks:
  1. Month and Years
  2. Counting Patterns,
  3. Reading a clock to nearest 5 min.
  4. Number Line, 
  5. Fractions of an hour,
  6. Addition, 
  7. Subtraction,
  8. Addition and Subtraction Fact Families,
  9. Unknown Addends, 
  10. Adding 3 Numbers,
To fill in some of the gaps. Yes, you as the parent are the mortar in the freshly laid row of bricks, now if you could fill it in with some love and motivation I think we might be able to help the students finish learning these concepts. Don't worry there are a few concepts we will be reviewing in class, until we get it right. The students will be bringing home the chapter test, and a worksheet to practice what they missed. Please take the time to work with them on these, as it re-explains the concept, and then they practice it one more time.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Arcademic Skill Builders

This website is all about increasing the student's skill levels in using and applying their math facts.

The two basic skills we learned today (Thursday)

  1. How to use mouse (hand-eye coordination - Small Motor Skills) to paint and draw using MS Paint.
  2. How to use the internet (how to find the URL Address and change it).
Of course we went over some basic rules, and emphasized internet safety and protocols within the computer lab. I did mention that the students would be doing a project using one of the myriad of programs. Next week we will see if our files that we saved are still there, and take a small survey.

Mr. Fisher's Third Grade Calendar 2010