For those that are bringing in their spare change to the school, bring it in. For those of you who would rather make sure the money is spent in a specific classroom here is a second alternative.
I will update this tonight with a project that will be curriculum based and targets the learning objectives of third grade. Right now the students are helping me decide what kind of project we should do.
We like the use of technology, but there needs to be a purpose behind just getting technology tools for the classroom.
Here is a list of my ideas that we will vote on before the end of the day. I'll let you know what we decide.
- To be able to do small group projects such as interviews, Reader's theater, Stop-motion-animation, and storytelling, re-enact stories that we have read, and share stories that have been written by students. It would be great if we could publish those stories as e-pub books, record them as podcasts, or even to use a video recorder.
- To have students be able to work on projects such as research topics of interest, study a country (a people or a culture and compare with our community), to write up reports, to finish assignments, and to share or hand-in those assignments with the teacher or with parents. Also to read articles from the local newspaper and then compare our reality with a fictional story that we have read in class.
- Record and interview a Hero. This would be great if it were recorded as a video, but just as impressive would be an audio recording. Think about all the heroes in your neighborhoods, everyday people making a difference in our lives.